Yoga for Health - 62 High St. Gloucester, MA

Dear Yoga for Health Students and Friends,

Many months ago I received this note from a student:  “I would be a ship on a stormy sea without Yoga.  It is the one constant in my life. Thank you."  R.A.  I copied that to a yellow post-it note and it sticks to the side of my desk computer so I see it everyday.
Right next that one is “If the only prayer you ever say is Thank You, it will be enough.” That one is by Meister Eckhart, a medieval mystic.  If you have ever been to my home or studio, you know that I have pictures and quotes, statues and tiny Buddhas placed anywhere an eye might settle.  They are reminders, wake-up calls, that HERE is where I want my attention to be.

Happy to be back on the mat sharing Yoga with folks who enjoy slow, mindful movement.  I think of my classes more and more as a moving meditation.  Sitting still is a challenge for me and movement has always been a joy.  Running, climbing, biking, skipping and dancing have always brought me great peace and energy.  As I slide into my 70's, sitting still has gotten easier, but it is not where I find my natural joy and connection with myself and the beauty of trees, beach, ocean, plants and rocks.  So my Yoga practice reflects this joy of subtle and sanctified, huge breaths and long releases.  My hope for students is that we age into the recognition, acceptance and love of our true natures and that our daily practice supports us both on the mat and off.

With a Deep Breath and a Big Smile,

Check the schedule for the next few months.
Please reserve you spot in advance. Space is limited.
All classes are $15, or $60 for 4 weeks/$45 for 3 weeks.